Wednesday, January 25, 2012

4/52 – Sparkle…Let’s Do 52 photography challenge by Paint the Moon

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‎I'm doing a photography challenge called Let's Do 52.  This is my 4/52 entry.  There are two themes each week and this week I choose "Sparkle".  This photo is a first in many ways. 1. I used my hand held remote in order to do a self-portrait of my lips. 2. I am always drawn towards taking a photo of a child, and instead tried to focus in on a single, yet beautiful item. 3. I like the simplicity of it and I am one who likes to see emotion behind a photo. With that said...this for me is stepping outside the box and it feels good.  For all of you Photoshop people this image is

Processed with a lot of stuff from PTM...wham bam, vintage fairytale, kissy lips, make my skin perfect, creamy skin, and with each action a lot of opacity adjustments.

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