Thursday, February 23, 2012

Katie Dobson–Buffalo Wedding


This is a photo of Katie Dobson that I took back in September.  I pulled out some old photos that I didn’t edit and this was one that I thought I could really make beautiful.  With a few of the techniques that I learned at my photography conference in Vegas, I transformed this picture in to one that is hopefully timeless because it captures the classic look of a beautiful bride.

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Friday, February 10, 2012

Some Sweet Shots of my girl!


Tenley has been in a GREAT mood for the last couple of days for whatever reason so I decided to take advantage of her sweetness and try to snap some quick valentine’s photos in the studio.  When I say the studio was a mess and I just brought her down and let her find what she could and play, that is the god honest truth.  Here are my two favorite shots.  They capture personality, valentine’s theme and boy do that make me smile.  I LOVE them!

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Now the shot below is also VERY sweet.  This is a self portrait using the timer on my camera.  I was supposed to do a picture in the theme of “self-portrait with loved ones” last week for my photo challenge, but honestly I had a hard time figuring out when, where and what I wanted to do.  Again, with Tenley in a good mood I laid her down on the floor with a book got next to her and hoped for the best.  I actually love this photo because it describes me to a “T”.  I am a mother, teacher, librarian and photographer.  I feel this picture encompasses all those traits in one.  I took the picture (photographer), we are reading (librarian & teacher) and I am a mother with my sweet baby.  Can’t beat getting all for job titles all in one photo!

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Sunday, January 29, 2012

Tay Posey!

IMG_7178 copyIMG_7161IMG_7194 copyIMG_7197bw copy   So these two black and white photos are my favorite by far…They look so classy, elegant and a little sass in the top one.  IMG_7200bw copyIMG_7207 copySo Sweet

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Love both of these too!  We had a set plan on what photos to take and my favorites aren’t any of the ones we “planned” to do!  That is the great thing about photography…you never know what your going to love.

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Adaleigh Ann Zimmerman–3 weeks!

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