Sunday, January 29, 2012

Tay Posey!

IMG_7178 copyIMG_7161IMG_7194 copyIMG_7197bw copy   So these two black and white photos are my favorite by far…They look so classy, elegant and a little sass in the top one.  IMG_7200bw copyIMG_7207 copySo Sweet

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Love both of these too!  We had a set plan on what photos to take and my favorites aren’t any of the ones we “planned” to do!  That is the great thing about photography…you never know what your going to love.

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Adaleigh Ann Zimmerman–3 weeks!

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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

4/52 – Sparkle…Let’s Do 52 photography challenge by Paint the Moon

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‎I'm doing a photography challenge called Let's Do 52.  This is my 4/52 entry.  There are two themes each week and this week I choose "Sparkle".  This photo is a first in many ways. 1. I used my hand held remote in order to do a self-portrait of my lips. 2. I am always drawn towards taking a photo of a child, and instead tried to focus in on a single, yet beautiful item. 3. I like the simplicity of it and I am one who likes to see emotion behind a photo. With that said...this for me is stepping outside the box and it feels good.  For all of you Photoshop people this image is

Processed with a lot of stuff from PTM...wham bam, vintage fairytale, kissy lips, make my skin perfect, creamy skin, and with each action a lot of opacity adjustments.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Let’s Do 52!

52 Week Project Photo Paint the Moon Photoshop Actions PSE

The Theme this week for “Let’s Do 52” was “sharing” or “all natural”. I feel that this photo is a great combination of both. My sweet Tenley (the littlest munchkin) and her two god sisters, Bella & Sophie, where sharing the slide to take a fun “choo choo” style ride down. The girls were obviously just playin’ at the park. This was not a planned shot as you can tell by the clothing and lack of props, so it is definitely all natural. I personally love this shot, but I think it is more of a near and dear picture than necessarily a “winning” picture. What matters most in life is capture the moment, and this my friends says it all!

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Sunday, January 1, 2012

Let's Do 52 Challenge by Paint the Moon Photography

52 Week Project Photo Paint the Moon Photoshop Actions PSE

First Challenge is "Sharing" or "All Natural". Come back and visit me to see what I created using one of these themes!