Being a relatively new self-taught photographer, there is always room to grow. There is so much I want to know and although I am being very patient about finding the time to learn new and interesting things, in my head I REALLY wish I just knew it all now! I feel like my life has lead me to my camera and has allowed me to discover my true passion. The adoption of my beautiful baby girl was the kick start to my journey to become a photographer and there is no doubt she is one of my favorite subjects to photograph. Here is your first sneak-peak into my daily world and throughout my blog, I hope for you to get to know me much better.
The first 4 pictures with the brown logo bar were from the 2nd Annual Pork Fest that we went to on Saturday. All day the weather was gorgeous and just when everyone arrived for some good smoked meat the heaven’s let loose and the rain came down in buckets. While everyone was taking cover under tents and in barns, Tenley was discovering raindrops, mud puddles and dirty rocks. She had a blast getting her brand new Janie & Jack outfit nice and filthy. On the other hand, Daddy did not like that she was dirty at all. He seems to think little girls are made of sugar and spice and everything nice and are not supposed to get messy. I had to burst his bubble that not only is our girl made of sugar and spice but she also has a bit of snips and snails and puppy dog tails in her. She just LOVED getting messy.
The last picture with the green logo bar was taken on the way home from day care. There was a beautiful sunflower field that I was so excited to take pictures of Tenley in but while we were away in Myrtle Beach the weather was scorching hot and the sunflowers were all shriveled up when I got home. Although my perfect photo op was ruined, god placed a field of really green grass next to the sunflower seeds. I decided to put Tenley in the grass and snap away. I didn’t get many “great shots” because it was way past naptime but this one is cute because she was doing her “so big” trick with a flower she picked in her hand.
The reason I wanted to share these photos is because I had watched some amazing tutorials that just taught me some simple tricks to make my pictures pop. Paint the Moon is such a great resource and her actions are awesome. Try some out if you haven’t, you will love them.
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